Pirate Ship with accessories
1 brown and yellow pirate ship on blue water base with 2 red cabin doors, green steering wheel, black rubber flag, red hatch door, black anchor attached by yellow rope, orange wind up winch, blue water flap, and blue and yellow gang plank.
1 battery cover, 1 screw for battery cover.
1 Yellow Head Sea Horse. 1 Black mast with striped sail.
1 orange and black cannon with blue lever. 1 black canon ball. 1 blue and yellow treasure chest (2 pieces).
1 green and yellow crows nest look out. 1 grey shark.
1 black treasure map. 1 pirate with black eye patch
1 pirate boy with red bandana.
1 Bag with contents List/pictures.
Cannon Ball can be loaned to D224 (Dragon Castle)